Friday, September 28, 2007

Manga is like crack

^ Will get to this in a minute...

I have fallen down on my blogging... this is what happened last time... NOT THIS TIME!!! NO NOT ME NEVA!!!!!

oooh I hate this song... *changes song*

soo let me see... oh!

Well for a while now we have had some... erm.. how to put this politely.... GHETTO.... people across the street from us. They think they live in "Da Hood". No, we live in the BURBS not the HOOD! and their teenage son mowing the lawn yesterday

*rant over, for now*

Edit: November 30, 2007
[some one said "I know this is old but what you said in this post was kinda rude. Just because his pants are low doesn't give you the right to call him ghetto. Just because it is a black family." I did not say any of this because they are black. I said it because they are ghetto. I have met white ghetto people too, I don't see where you got the "just because its a black family" thing from. You, random cyber person off the Internet (and I don't know why you didn't put your name, I might be a little ticked off now, but its not like I hold a grudge for something like that), have not met the neighbors. If you had you would say it too. There are many examples I could give here to prove it but I won't because it would be taken the wrong way, by people just like whoever said that. But now I have been ticked off. As much as ghetto-ness and just so we are perfectly clear here I am referring to WHITE, BLACK, MEXICAN, ASIAN, BRITISH, CANADIAN, ANY TYPE of ghetto, annoys me to no end, people like random-cyber-person-from-Internet annoy me even more. People like you, who are always looking to start a racial fight. Taking comments in which race was not even mentioned, and making it a deal. This is MY blog. Let me take a page out of the Yarn Harlots blog. (here is the general point because I cant remember and cant find the post) "Don't insult me on my own blog." and "be polite to me, and to people who comment on this blog"

Yes I deleted the comment that said this. I moderate my comments, and WILL NOT POST anything I find, rude to me or other commenter's, or spam (I reserve the the right to be rude for me in my posts about annoying things, and for my mom, who, well, she's my mommy she can say whatever she wants). I haven't had problems with anything else, so that's all I have for now. but know I DO moderate comments and WILL delete.

And to show you I am not completely evil after what I just typed I will say something that I wasn't going to mention before.

You made me cry.
Yours was the first bad comment I've gotten. (Not to mention I have been a little weepy since I lost my camera.) But I cried. You made me feel like a horrible person. Meaning to or not someone thought it at least, sounded that way....
Then I decided that you Ms./Mr. Random Internet person, that your opinion doesn't matter to me. I would continue writing my blog despite of people like you biting my head off for complaining about my annoying neighbors. so suck on that! boo-yah! I feel very good about myself right now. I tend to be a bit more introverted and take people's opinions to seriously, so writing this has felt pretty dog-gone good.

Get Some!!

Rant #2: over]

Manga is Like Crack

  • It is expensive $10 a book that is really freaking expensive especially I can and do read it in less that 1 day.
  • It is addicting, I can't stop reading it.

I have been an otaku for about a year now but haven't read a single manga, until last week I bought Full Metal Alchemist Vol. 1 and Naruto Vol. 1 (I figured start with something you already know you like.) I inhaled the FMA manga, but I found the Naruto one a bit, I don't know... but I think I will stick to the anime for Naruto. And Saturday bought FMA vol. 2, DNAngel vol. 1, and Fruits basket vol. 1. OMGOMGOMG!!

I now have a hobby I can't afford... -_- this is not good. I am just going to have to start doing odd jobs for my grandma and mowing the yard for dad. (oooh mom is cooking ribs and it smells so good!)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Homecoming Week

To be totally honest.... It was boring... well, except for that with the hat, but we won't talk about that.....-_- There are only three pictures that needs to be seen... It is from today, Geek Day.

All I have to say about it is that Hunter is NOT RIGHT

And yes....that IS toilet paper hanging from his pants leg.... -_-

I took a video last week because I know that for Homecoming Kaiti will MAKE me dance at the pep rally so I recorded it so I can learn it... hee hee! (I still don't know it even though we have been doing the same dance for years!

Tomorrow is homecoming and I promise awesome vids from the pep rally!

In Knitting News....

Ravelry has a Hello Kitty group!! and Lookie Lookie what I found!

I HAVE to make this hat!! I mean *Uber Squee* doesn't even BEGIN to cover it!!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007


O....M.....G..... I got on ravelry.....o.o.....

For those of you who don't know Ravelry ( is a knitting and crocheting community. It is still beta testing but has had overwhelming success. I was number 13 thousand and something on the list, and there were upwards of 20,000 BEHIND me on the list.... *squee* I got in!!! I have joined the Mississippi group and the only Anime group they have. Now I know all the anime fans are thinking "What? Just one? No Way!" Yes sadly just one. I don't feel myself an established enough knitter or anime-watcher to make another though, and I am so new that I don't even know if there needs to be another looks fine to me...

My account there is KittyKat and my mom is also on Ravelry which is why I don't have a much cooler user name, and why in the "blog" spot is empty... I will promote my blog (once I get a few more posts) on ranger, neopets, and the like. My mother will most likely only be told about this blog (or whatever blog at the time) when I go off to Timbuktu or somewhere for college and this would be how she "keeps up with me"

(For years later when mom is reading the archives of my blog when I tell her about it) Hi mom! yes I have had this planned for a long time! ^_^

anyway! Off to play with Ravelry!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


The people (if there are any) who read this blog should feel lucky. I started this blog just days before something big happened... well big for ME.

We were in the gym for a pep rally yesterday, when just as we all were leaving we notice everyone turning around. We, who weren't at the front of the line and had no idea what was going, figured that, because it was raining, they were having us go out the back way up to the school under the covered sidewalk. But as we are filing through we notice people sitting back down and so, we do too. Dr. Prayther tell us that there has been a "prank call" and that they have to check something out. We look at each other quizzically. It was just me, Ashley, and Kaiti, because Wendy and Jesse are in the band. (Ashley and I both hate each other, know the other hates us, but basically ignore it.) Then Dr. Prayther proceeds to tell us

"Even though its a school rule I am SURE that no one in here has their cell phones turned off and it is VERRRRY important that they all get turned off NOT on silent NOW."

That is when we knew there was something wrong. Ashley turns and asks me what I think it is and I tell her something like "this may be being a little dramatic and over the top, but even with all my CSI watching the only reason that I can come up with where the cell phones would matter is if.... it were a bomb."


They continue trying to entertain the 6-12th grades in the gym while we see teacher running around whispering to each other and running out and coming back in.

Finally we get let out a million years later and are told for the High school to go STRAIGHT to 2nd period and for the Middle school to head STRAIGHT for break, no detours.

Later they finally tell us what is going on. Apparently someone called up to the school and told them that there was a bomb and that they needed to check it out yak yak yak. and they did.

Get this.... they had all the TEACHERS check out their own room. With the exception of the science teachers... the others wouldn't know a bomb if it bit them in the butt.

So for the whole rest of the day every time the bell rang everyone jumped and then sighed when we realized it was just to change classes.

In reality most likely some idiot forgot to study for a test and decided it would be funny to scare the bejeezuz out of all 350 middle and high school students.

Later Wendy and Jesse were like "whats the big deal" and everything. They said that at their old schools a bomb threat was no big deal. Those of us who have been going to Hillcrest forever and a year enlightened them to the fact that nothing happens at Hillcrest, good, bad, or otherwise, and that yes to us a bomb threat was a VERY big deal! And when Jesse kept laughing at me when I would jump at the bells I mentioned that She is to squeamish to handle CSI and I cant handle bomb threats, and I think I win. That shut her up about it.

I would simply LOVE to know who called that in! I would loving telling them what I think of it!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hey y'all!

Well it is 11:14pm and I can't (or won't) sleep.... And I had been thinking about maybe, at some point, possibly starting a blog... and so here it is.... So I guess that this blog is just gonna deal with my life and all the nerdy stuff (hence the name ^_^) that I'm into.... I can't spell worth a crap, so don't expect it... Also as you can tell I have a fondness for the "......" things!

My Nerdy Stuff

  • I knit.... I love it.... I'm terrible at it...but I love it! Currently I am knitting a sock (don't get me started it has decided that I am evil and must be destroyed) and some.... green and blue.....thing dunno what its gonna be... but its gonna be awsome! *thumbs up*

  • I watch anime and read manga.... Now I know that some people who might have come upon this blog from some forum post I made or from the rangers or skirts or something....some ANIME place.... y'all are probobly giving me the "Anime and Manga are not nerdy blah blah yak yak ect. ect." yeah it is nerdy, but I love it! and y'all just kinda need to face facts that, yes, it is in fact nerdy. Embrace it! I did! Think about it how many of the "cool" or "popular" (there is a whole other rant there) even know what anime or manga are? I mean I am sure there are some, but the vast majority dont.... ok this is way to long for one bullet point....

  • I am a science nerd! Love me some science! I think that me and Shelby might have creeped the others in the advanced science class out with our enthusiasm over the fetal pig disection.... we thought it was the coolest thing and made..... crudballs.... I was gonna put the video here but my computer is slow and the page is taking forever to load.... It might because I am currently prinint 20 pages full of brightly colored anime pictures to plaster my walls with.... (mom and/or dad, if you are reading this.... it is 5 pictures.... and they are all black and white....*wink*) cudballs... now that I have gotten there I dont know how to do it.... will that do it? I dont know... maybe good luck!

I know that there is more nerdy things about me but by now it is 11:42pm and I am not thinking very well so nighty night! And I hope this blogging thing works out and is fun (cause, if it isnt fun.... yeah I will probly quit so yeah... lets hope its fun!

(ps. has the crappiest fonts I have ever seen!