Sorry for not posting. Since school started I have been extremely busy. I have color guard practice every night except for Wednesday (and Saturday and Sunday).
Right now I'm exhausted! I went to bed late last night because of last night's football game. It was way up north from here. 2.5 hours one way! But the bus rides were a lot of fun. I haven't seen the tape yet but I think we performed well at halftime except for the routine for the 3rd song which we only learned maybe a week ago. That one was better than in practice, but still not good. I got Amanda (el Capitan) to promise not to go off on us if the 3rd song was not up to par. But there were mosquitoes EVERYWHERE. At the meeting at the end of the game (We lost 54-0) no one would stand at attention we were all swatting at them like crazy. At least no one dared scream "IF YOU ARE AT ATTENTION YOU SHOULD NOT BE MOVING". There were a few people who I think would have gone off if someone had said that. But a few people did say "Calm down its only moths." (Tell that to the big red marks on my legs). But as soon as the drum major let us leave we started RUNNING to the bus, with Marcus shouting "OH MY GOD! It's like the freaking LORD OF THE FLIES!!! RUN!!!"
In other news, I'll turn 15 in four days, and some friends are coming over tomorrow night to celebrate!....Which means I should be cleaning my room right now instead of blogging....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
No, I'm not (quite) dead
I say not quite dead because all week I've been at band camp from 8 to 5 every day. No knitty pictures because I've barely had time to think let alone knit. And no pictures of camp because I've been marching and twirling all day everyday in the hot 103 degree Mississippi heat. (*pout* I now have a farmer tan!) I have the weekend off then we go to another week of camp only overnight and in a different location. Our new band director says it will be half work and half fun/social stuff. Considering the wonderfully kind man gives us two hour lunch breaks and usually lets us out at least an hour early. I tend to believe him. *fingers cross*
Also I'm going to have to just chop my feet off they are giving me so much trouble. I have blisters on the back of each heel and four or five on the side of one foot (NO idea how I managed that) and three cuts on my ankle simply because, well, I guess I just need remedial shaving lessons.
This next part is a rant. I'm tired and grumpy from camp and I got my class schedule in the mail today, so I'm ranting. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.
While I'm still mad about it let me just mention reason #4,328 of Why I Hate My School: They keep changing the dates of things. They have had on the website and hard copy of the events calender that school started the 11th. And I get my class schedule and they changed it to the 8th!! Not to mention that when my Latin teacher left the school the Principle/Councilor/Dean's wife CALLED ME to tell me and ask what I wanted that period instead. I told that I absolutely WOULD NOT take Spanish.
"You have to have 2 years of a foreign language to graduate. I don't want you to have to cram your last two years."
"This is only my freshman year I have three more years to take a foreign language" thinking: I'll just take French or Latin when I change schools next year
The Evil Overlord of Darkness said fine and told me she would give me something else.
She would give me anything else. Art class. I like art. I can draw. Give me art! But I get my schedule and what do I have 7th period. SPANISH. I had to actually hear the Dragon Lady's voice during my summer break and I STILL get Spanish!! (Oh-flippin'-well I'm going up there and getting it changed and she can just deal with it!!!)
*hiss hiss* *spit spit*
Also I'm going to have to just chop my feet off they are giving me so much trouble. I have blisters on the back of each heel and four or five on the side of one foot (NO idea how I managed that) and three cuts on my ankle simply because, well, I guess I just need remedial shaving lessons.
This next part is a rant. I'm tired and grumpy from camp and I got my class schedule in the mail today, so I'm ranting. You don't have to read it if you don't want to.
While I'm still mad about it let me just mention reason #4,328 of Why I Hate My School: They keep changing the dates of things. They have had on the website and hard copy of the events calender that school started the 11th. And I get my class schedule and they changed it to the 8th!! Not to mention that when my Latin teacher left the school the Principle/Councilor/Dean's wife CALLED ME to tell me and ask what I wanted that period instead. I told that I absolutely WOULD NOT take Spanish.
"You have to have 2 years of a foreign language to graduate. I don't want you to have to cram your last two years."
"This is only my freshman year I have three more years to take a foreign language" thinking: I'll just take French or Latin when I change schools next year
The Evil Overlord of Darkness said fine and told me she would give me something else.
She would give me anything else. Art class. I like art. I can draw. Give me art! But I get my schedule and what do I have 7th period. SPANISH. I had to actually hear the Dragon Lady's voice during my summer break and I STILL get Spanish!! (Oh-flippin'-well I'm going up there and getting it changed and she can just deal with it!!!)
*hiss hiss* *spit spit*
Monday, July 7, 2008
Vacation Pictures
I've made a glog! They're pretty fun. And I can put up a bunch of pictures, anyway its good for something like this!! Here is the glog. Click the pictures to make big!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Home again
NYC was wonderful! The first day we were we just walked around and looked around. We saw Times Square, Tiffany's and the theater where we would see The Phantom of the Opera on Sunday! I don't remember what day we did everything, but we saw the Empire State building and the Statue of Liberty and some other touristy things. (There are so many pictures I've decided to do them all in one post, possibly a series of posts) But then we got a phone call that my grandmother passed so we rushed home. (Everyone keeps saying "It wasn't really a shock" but I sure as hell wasn't expecting it....excuse me...) *sigh* Now that the funeral is over I'm alright but for a while I would start crying if anyone hugged me. So my aunts are in town to go through all the stuff in her house. We go over to help every now and then but the two aunts have such polar opposite personalities that it's unbearable to be around the arguing. One wants to go through all of it quickly and in an organized manner, while the other wants to take her time and talk about the memories attached to each item.
My dad is one of nine children.... Watching them try to go through all the stuff and decide who gets what has only made me that much gladder to be an only child!!! (^_~)
By the way, Kaya its a shame I didn't see your comment before I left! It would have been awesome to meet up in a yarn shop!!! Maybe next time.
My dad is one of nine children.... Watching them try to go through all the stuff and decide who gets what has only made me that much gladder to be an only child!!! (^_~)
By the way, Kaya its a shame I didn't see your comment before I left! It would have been awesome to meet up in a yarn shop!!! Maybe next time.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
And We're Off!
Tomorrow morning I'm off to NYC! So this will be a short post because it is already 10 o'clock and I need to finish all the packing I put off until today. I have to be conscious by at LEAST 5 tomorrow morning, go to the airport, wait for an hour. Fly to Atlanta, wait three hours, fly to LaGuardia, and then a bus ride to our hotel! I have a feeling I will get a LOT of knitting done tomorrow! Being that I'll be in NYC for 10 days it will probably be 11 or 12 before I post. But I have my camera, rechargeable batteries, extra memory cards and a jump drive so THERE. WILL. BE. PICTURES. I'm really exited!!
Afterthought: I wonder if there is any chance of finishing my scarf on this trip. Maybe I should pack backup yarn?
Afterthought: I wonder if there is any chance of finishing my scarf on this trip. Maybe I should pack backup yarn?
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
I'm finally back!
Well, long time no post! (Sorry this is gonna be a long one!)
Everyone excuse the grammar/spelling/general errors in this post. I'm about to fall asleep sitting straight up.
I took the blog down for a while because, at first, I was busy, then I didn't have anything to say, then when I had something to say I didn't want to talk about it... but now it is back up! I don't know if anyone is still reading or if all of you have given me up for dead. I guess I knew when I took it down that I would eventually come back to it because I only made it private instead of deleting the whole thing. That good ole subconscious for ya! Anyway it seems like as soon as I set it to private.. something happened.... I GOT A LIFE!!! Well, blog-able things started happening anyway. I'm not going to talk about any of it now because I'm hot, sweaty, tired, sleepy, and just got home. So as soon as I finish this I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed!
I think I let the blog go because
#1 I was lazy and not doing anything blog-worthy
#2 I was pressuring myself to post. So in order for that not to happen again there will be some changes in my blog.
Change #1 I'll post even if I really have nothing to say. I may talk one day about knitting, one day about guard, one day about an anime I saw the other day. Whatever! I think before I was trying to limit myself mostly to knitting since most of my readers were from Ravelry, but not anymore. If you want to read it you can if and you don't, then don't it's really not my job to try to make every one happy. It's my blog and I should talk about whatever I want.
Change #2 I should post at least once a week. That can be my goal but if I don't who cares? If I post more than that who cares? I think this was my main problem. I would get so wrapped up with "I should post. But I have nothing to say. So I can't post. But I should. But its been 3 weeks since I posted. How will I explain my absence? That I was lazy?" YES! I am lazy. It might been a couple weeks. And I shouldn't have to explain why I didn't.
So that's it. I just read over that and noticed that it sounds like I'm complaining that people were like "Where are you?" or "Where is the knitting? Who cares about anime!". No one has said anything like that. All of the things I've said were things I was thinking. I realize I was the one putting the pressure on myself and that's what I'm trying to stop by making those changes.
And thank you Kaya (ravelry link) for sending me the message that gave me the push to do what I've been thinking about doing for a while!
Everyone excuse the grammar/spelling/general errors in this post. I'm about to fall asleep sitting straight up.
I took the blog down for a while because, at first, I was busy, then I didn't have anything to say, then when I had something to say I didn't want to talk about it... but now it is back up! I don't know if anyone is still reading or if all of you have given me up for dead. I guess I knew when I took it down that I would eventually come back to it because I only made it private instead of deleting the whole thing. That good ole subconscious for ya! Anyway it seems like as soon as I set it to private.. something happened.... I GOT A LIFE!!! Well, blog-able things started happening anyway. I'm not going to talk about any of it now because I'm hot, sweaty, tired, sleepy, and just got home. So as soon as I finish this I'm going to go take a shower and go to bed!
I think I let the blog go because
#1 I was lazy and not doing anything blog-worthy
#2 I was pressuring myself to post. So in order for that not to happen again there will be some changes in my blog.
Change #1 I'll post even if I really have nothing to say. I may talk one day about knitting, one day about guard, one day about an anime I saw the other day. Whatever! I think before I was trying to limit myself mostly to knitting since most of my readers were from Ravelry, but not anymore. If you want to read it you can if and you don't, then don't it's really not my job to try to make every one happy. It's my blog and I should talk about whatever I want.
Change #2 I should post at least once a week. That can be my goal but if I don't who cares? If I post more than that who cares? I think this was my main problem. I would get so wrapped up with "I should post. But I have nothing to say. So I can't post. But I should. But its been 3 weeks since I posted. How will I explain my absence? That I was lazy?" YES! I am lazy. It might been a couple weeks. And I shouldn't have to explain why I didn't.
So that's it. I just read over that and noticed that it sounds like I'm complaining that people were like "Where are you?" or "Where is the knitting? Who cares about anime!". No one has said anything like that. All of the things I've said were things I was thinking. I realize I was the one putting the pressure on myself and that's what I'm trying to stop by making those changes.
And thank you Kaya (ravelry link) for sending me the message that gave me the push to do what I've been thinking about doing for a while!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Post to come later
Sorry, I haven't posted in a while, and I won't really now. The computer is not acting right. Mom and I think it has a virus. It's EXTREMELY hard to type and just posting this is taking FFOORREEVVEERR!!!! So when Dad gets home I'll get him to look at it and when the computer is fixed I'll post. It's just my luck. The day I pick to post is the day the computer gets sick!
Will post soon..... or not... kinda out of my hands at this point.
Will post soon..... or not... kinda out of my hands at this point.
Monday, March 17, 2008
SFARI 2008
I just got back from the first annual (having it biannually is also being considered...) Mississippi fiber retreat! It's being called S.F.A.R.I. for "Stinkin' Fiber Arts Retreat Initiative".. the "Stinkin'" part is a long story which my friends have said is kinda boring.... I guess it was a "had to be there" thing. And I now have a button for my bag! (Sorry the picture is blurry)
Mom and I spent the weekend near Starkville (where Mississippi State is for anyone who cares) in the Roy Black dorms of an old community college! Yeah it looks okay here, but it wasn't very nice inside... coulda been a lot worse though.
We got a group picture! Lots of people from Ravelry that look nothing like I imagined they did from reading their posts and stuff... going from Internet to real life is kinda weird...
I am on the couch sitting between the green and blue shirts by the way.
It was funny sitting there and knitting with them.. every time anyone finished a project they got cheers and applause! hee hee.. I love this picture I got of Ms. Chanda modeling her baby hat!
I would have more pictures but my camera batteries were dead half the time... so yeah...
This is the called "Twilight"
And this one is called "Magical Melons"

Mom and I spent the weekend near Starkville (where Mississippi State is for anyone who cares) in the Roy Black dorms of an old community college! Yeah it looks okay here, but it wasn't very nice inside... coulda been a lot worse though.

We got a group picture! Lots of people from Ravelry that look nothing like I imagined they did from reading their posts and stuff... going from Internet to real life is kinda weird...

It was funny sitting there and knitting with them.. every time anyone finished a project they got cheers and applause! hee hee.. I love this picture I got of Ms. Chanda modeling her baby hat!

I would have more pictures but my camera batteries were dead half the time... so yeah...
LaLa brought yarn to sell! (Here is a link to her ravelry page.. and here is a link to her blog. I heard she is getting and Etsy so check out her stuff its really awesome!) I bought 2!!

Please give me sock pattern suggestions!! I LOVE these yarns but have NO IDEA what patterns to use! Help me!
I just love this picture of Bella with Melons...
to anyone who doesn't know her it might look like she is hugging the yarn.... but to those of us who do know her.. we know she is try to claw at it with her back feet... poor little dain bramaged kitty...

We had people from Arkansas at the retreat too... so if any of y'all live near MS you should try to come next time!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
What kind of yarn are you?
What kind of yarn are you?
You are Shetland Wool. You are a traditional sort who can sometimes be a little on the harsh side. Though you look delicate you are tough as nails and prone to intricacies. Despite your acerbic ways you are widely respected and even revered.
Take this quiz!">quiz!
Quizilla Join
Make'>">Make A Quiz More'>">More Quizzes Grab'>">Grab Code
Friday, February 29, 2008
The Baby Blanket of DOOM
....Is finished.... in longer in progress....
It feels weird....
This thing turned out HUGE!!!

It really surprised my how sad I was to see it go! I guess when something takes that much of your time and energy it becomes like a pet... Giving it to Ms. E. was like... taking the pet dog to the shelter... Sure it was the scraggly mean pit bull that attacks you in your sleep... But still the pet dog...
I dunno it was weird... A Wal-mart bag didn't seem appropriate for the amount of work... so I packaged it up all pretty...

My hands are still sore form the marathon knitting that happened Saturday and Sunday trying to finish it. So I'm taking a week or so break from all knitting for a while.

I made Dad take a picture of me with it....
(Look at me! Rockin' the uniform skirt! Heehee I never wear the uniform shirt, just a normal Tshirt and the uniform sweatshirt over it! HA! I'M SUCH A REBEL!!!!) in longer in progress....
It feels weird....
This thing turned out HUGE!!!

It really surprised my how sad I was to see it go! I guess when something takes that much of your time and energy it becomes like a pet... Giving it to Ms. E. was like... taking the pet dog to the shelter... Sure it was the scraggly mean pit bull that attacks you in your sleep... But still the pet dog...
I dunno it was weird... A Wal-mart bag didn't seem appropriate for the amount of work... so I packaged it up all pretty...

My hands are still sore form the marathon knitting that happened Saturday and Sunday trying to finish it. So I'm taking a week or so break from all knitting for a while.

I made Dad take a picture of me with it....
(Look at me! Rockin' the uniform skirt! Heehee I never wear the uniform shirt, just a normal Tshirt and the uniform sweatshirt over it! HA! I'M SUCH A REBEL!!!!)
Thursday, February 21, 2008
No, I'm still here!
Hi! I know I haven't posted in forever! I forgot for a while and then when I remembered.. I really didn't have much to say...
The baby blanket of DOOOOOOOM has sucked out all my life force (and all my knitting mojo, so nothing new really). But there is light at the end of the tunnle. So. Close. I am planning to have it done by Monday.
By the way my foot is better!
And I got my hair cut! OFF. SHORT. I LOVE IT!


please ignore my spacers
And I'VE BEEN TAGGED! I was tagged by the lovely knitter Shaina.
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Alrighty then....
1- I knit 'English', but not like most English knitters. I'm a "Flicker"
2 -Even though I'm right handed I wear my watch on my right wrist. (ok I know that one kinda sucked...)
3 - 54% of my I-pod is NOT in English. The non-English songs are mostly Japanese, Romanian,
and Spanish.
5 - I LOVE 'lolli' clothes, but I don't have any because I cannot sew, and nowhere sells them
around here, and I can't buy them over the internet.
~Don't know what 'lolli' is?~
Check out the clothes at one of these sights.. (ranked by my faveorite!)
The White PeacockLa Dauphine
6 - I'm a Risembool Ranger! The Rangers are the Vic Mignogna fan group! I'm also in the Mini Skirt Army, even though the huge fang-group (friendly) rivalry between them. (I'm more loyal to the Rangers but don't tell the MSA that!)
7 - Almost all my Ravelry queue is made up of fingerless gloves. I don't know why, but I love them!
Whew! That was hard comming up with all those!
And with who to tag! I'm late, so I'm sure some of who I'm tagging has already been tagged... but I don't have time to check right now... (MUST....KNIT....THAT....STUPID....BABY...BLANKET!)
Charlie Chuckles
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
SNOW: The good and the painfull...
Look! Ain't it purdy???
Look at the really pathetically small snowman I made!
And the doggie footprints!
Have I mentioned before that the klutz gene is strong in my family?? I was out in the snow all of about ten minutes before I slid and sprained my ankle and knee. That was Saturday... Today is Tuesday and we went to an orthopedic doctor because it didn't feel any better. So now I have this:
lovely fashion statement! Fortunately it isn't fractured. Just a REALLY REALLY HORRIBLY TERRIBLE really bad sprain... The ace bandage felt a lot better... *sigh* it hurts! *sob* and the crutches are making my arms sore.
It hurts pretty bad right now so I think I'll go take a nap.....
Friday, January 11, 2008
The Forum Story
It all started several months ago when Jesse, Wendy and I were all on the phone. Wendy mentions making a forum for us and all our friends to talk on because no one seems to have the same IM/phone schedule.

fast forward to last week.
I'm checking the Risembool Ranger boards, and it hits me "This isn't 'their own board'... its from a sight! Didn't Wendy say something about a forum... I wonder if this will work? I'll have to send her the link...."
So I did and it started the whole forum thing over again. Apparently I'm the only one who even remembers her mentioning it. So Wendy and I decide that we are going to do it ourselves and then present it to the rest of our friends around Valentines day.
So while we work out the details (*cough*like what to name it) I made a demo forum to decide if we even like the site! We had trouble naming that one too.. "Just make something up its just the demo!" was all the advice Wendy had.. So, I named it after the song I was listening to Oh My Juliet by LM.C (only the greatest band on earth). It's actually not a bad name choice since Wendy and I are hopeless LM.C fangirls....
The point of this WHOLE story is that I decided the demo needed a banner... and I had never tried photoshop before.... I came up with this!

(Want my theory as to why Maya has weird faces in almost every picture he's in? I like to think its because Aiji refuses to have any expression at all, and Maya has to show emotion for both of them...)
Anyway, I'm totally proud of my first photoshop thingummie!
Knitting update for all of you who read through all that:
Knee socks:
There would be more to report here, but I'm to lazy to figure up my -Es... probably do that this weekend
And well, the baby blanket? well, we shan't talk about that...
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Watch this space!!
I PROMISE PROMISE PROMISE I will blogg tomorow. Padawan has been instructed to torture me until I do it!! I will!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
New Year, New Knitter
Ok. First I'll say what I meant to say in the last post:
The clear shoes are comfy!! The flappy thing under the laces (very technical term there) takes a bit of getting used to, but other than that perfect! I love them so incredibly much!
And AJ asked how I got Bella to sit still for a picture with that hat. Well, I'm not sure if all kittys do this, but both of mine did. When I put it on them... It like, sorta paralyzed them or something. I don't get it, but they just wouldn't move, at all. I tried to move one of them (get them to pose better) and it was like they were a statue. I picked her up completely and she stayed in exactly the same position. It was really weird. But after a minute or two they snapped out of it and ran off.
I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions, so there won't be any posted, but here's what I did New Year's eve!
Well, Kaiti and Sara came over and shot fireworks!
There we are just after midnight!
See us in out little hats?
Yeah we haven't undecorated Christmas yet, laziness mostly...
And I taught Sara to knit!!! I think she got a little annoyed with all the pictures I took of her and her new talent. I've made a new knitter! *wipes tear*

In this picture she is pointing to her slipped stitch. She was SO proud that she only messed up once in all that!
And it's officially 2008 so I can start the ribbed sock for the 2008 sock KAL I'm in on ravelry! I'll put up pictures and the patter/yarn later. But of course I have to meet my 10 rows of baby blanket a day before I can work on it. That thing is pure evil. Last night I had a nightmare about it. A giant half knit baby blanket chasing me through a yarn shop trying to poke me with its needles. Well, that's what I get fore watching Blood: The Last Vampire before I got to bed. *sigh*
Happy New Year to you all!
The clear shoes are comfy!! The flappy thing under the laces (very technical term there) takes a bit of getting used to, but other than that perfect! I love them so incredibly much!
And AJ asked how I got Bella to sit still for a picture with that hat. Well, I'm not sure if all kittys do this, but both of mine did. When I put it on them... It like, sorta paralyzed them or something. I don't get it, but they just wouldn't move, at all. I tried to move one of them (get them to pose better) and it was like they were a statue. I picked her up completely and she stayed in exactly the same position. It was really weird. But after a minute or two they snapped out of it and ran off.
I'm not really one for New Year's resolutions, so there won't be any posted, but here's what I did New Year's eve!

We were having a Harry Potter wand battle with the sparklers here. There's a better picture of us with the sparklers, but I had a really weird almost demented looking smile on my face.... *recycle bin*
There we are just after midnight!
See us in out little hats?
Yeah we haven't undecorated Christmas yet, laziness mostly...
And I taught Sara to knit!!! I think she got a little annoyed with all the pictures I took of her and her new talent. I've made a new knitter! *wipes tear*

In this picture she is pointing to her slipped stitch. She was SO proud that she only messed up once in all that!
And it's officially 2008 so I can start the ribbed sock for the 2008 sock KAL I'm in on ravelry! I'll put up pictures and the patter/yarn later. But of course I have to meet my 10 rows of baby blanket a day before I can work on it. That thing is pure evil. Last night I had a nightmare about it. A giant half knit baby blanket chasing me through a yarn shop trying to poke me with its needles. Well, that's what I get fore watching Blood: The Last Vampire before I got to bed. *sigh*
Happy New Year to you all!
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