....as in done.....completed....no longer in progress....
It feels weird....
This thing turned out HUGE!!!

It really surprised my how sad I was to see it go! I guess when something takes that much of your time and energy it becomes like a pet... Giving it to Ms. E. was like... taking the pet dog to the shelter... Sure it was the scraggly mean pit bull that attacks you in your sleep... But still the pet dog...
I dunno it was weird... A Wal-mart bag didn't seem appropriate for the amount of work... so I packaged it up all pretty...

My hands are still sore form the marathon knitting that happened Saturday and Sunday trying to finish it. So I'm taking a week or so break from all knitting for a while.

I made Dad take a picture of me with it....
(Look at me! Rockin' the uniform skirt! Heehee I never wear the uniform shirt, just a normal Tshirt and the uniform sweatshirt over it! HA! I'M SUCH A REBEL!!!!)
WOW! The blanket looks great. It's beautiful. Great job!
Amazing work! You did a WONDERFUL job! =D
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