I've made a glog! They're pretty fun. And I can put up a bunch of pictures, anyway its good for something like this!! Here is the glog. Click the pictures to make big!
I am a Freshman in highschool, and my blog is mostly just about my daily life. But it is a little different than other freshman's daily lives as I am the biggest nerd to have ever walked the planet. I knit, obsess over anime and manga, and buy and wear as many frilly poofy dresses as I can, and almost all the music I listen to is in Japanese. Not to mention I LOVE science. I am in the color guard at my school. This is my first year on the team so there will probably be a good bit about it on my blog too because of all the new experieces that are comming with it.
Cool pictures! =D
What great pictures. I love your sense of style. =)
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