I just finished the anime
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok. I feel slightly guilty because for a while now I have been saying things like "Gah, how many more discs?!" and such. I read a comment on DNAngel that said that unless you were hell-bent on seeing every episode, that you could skip volume 2. MDLR was not like that. They cleverly made it so that there was just enough critical information in each volume that you had to see them all. I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but it works. (Since this is my first review I inform you I use the Cheetos system, I award each segment any out of 5 Cheetos, then the entire show at the end.)
The story follows Loki, the Norse god of chaos, that has been banished to earth in the form of a young boy by Odin. To be allowed back into the world of the gods, Loki must collect evil. To do so he sets up a detective agency specializing in occult mysteries. This attracts Miss Mayura Daidouji, a beautiful, ditsy, mystery obsessed, high school girl. As the story progresses more gods pop up (mostly sent to assassinate Loki).
Voice Acting
I have no complaints about the voice acting actually, except that I wish the older version of Loki's voice sounded at least similar to the younger. Maybe have Shannon Emerick "butch it up" a lot? I don't really know, they just didn't sound like they were even related, but it wasn't bad... just something I noticed.
I loved the art in this anime. MDLR had wonderful scenery in my opinion. I am not an authority on the art in anime, but I didn't see any slip ups. The only complaints that I have are the usage of photographs and video clips of real world things. It hits my OCD just right when I watch an animated show and see clips of real life. At least this seemed to be confined to flowers, and Odin. I did not like, at all, the eye. I have a hard time believing that there was no other way to portray Odin except a giant red
real(ish) eye! I just did not like that.
Story Progression

MDLR started off strong and certainly ended that way. That isn't to say that it carried that steam all the way through. In the middle it became more of a "mystery of the week" type of thing. I honestly can't remember when this started but I know that it continued until the very last disc.
I have said that the middle of the series was monotonous to say the least, but the last disc did pick up speed. Tear-jerking isn't the right word, but I think heart-wrenching might be. It reminded me of when Greed died in Full Metal Alchemist: When Ed shows up you think "HA! the final show down! Ed is gonna whoop your but and it will be over! YES! DIE! MUHAHAHA!" but then when Ed succeeds in killing him, as he is dying Greed says something (I can't remember what) and you go "*gasp* wait... no... don't die I
LIKE you now! No! No! *sob sob*" At least that is how it was for me. And this series was the same. I had been saying "Please let this end soon!" for some time and then... with that ending... "No! don't be over!! No! It was just getting good!"
The jury is still out on whether I want a sequel. I enjoyed this show a great deal despite its dragging middle. And I think it ended openly enough that there could be. In fact the appearance of Spica for a split second at the very end almost says "HERE LOOKIE A SEQUEL!" if you ask me. I do not know when this series came out but I think that it is old enough that if there was going to be a sequel, that it would have been done already. On the other hand, as much as I enjoyed this show, I don't know if I would have it in me to make it through another, because it would surely drag just as much as the original. If there is another, I will do all I can to see it. If there is not, I'll live.
Bonus Features
These included clean openings and endings, animation gallery, commentary/interviews with the Japanese voice actors, something about Norse mythology, and bloopers. The bloopers were really the only thing I cared about watching on the bonus features. You can't find these on the bonus features menu. They are hidden in that disc pretty good. I would not have found them if I hadn't seen them on youtube and knew to look. (if you want to see them on youtube know that the last set is not there) I got to them by selecting "shuffle title" on my remote, and waiting for it. It will come up.

Over All
(I have to remember I am rating the series as a whole here not just the fabulous ending...)

While this anime is by no means "epic" it was enjoyable. Maybe between animes, or if you ever find yourself without anything to watch. Pick this one up. It will give you a laugh, a lesson in Norse mythology, and something to do. If you choose to watch it, stick it out until the end. (and be sure see the bloopers.) I will certainly miss this anime, I have yet to seal it back up in its Netflix envelope, because, that will mean its over. I think I will watch the last few episodes one last time tonight, then ship it back tomorrow. Loki, at my house, you will be missed.

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