(me & Lisa waiting for Chaos to start)
*edit* there was gonna be a video of the ring of fire buy blogger is gay and won't let it work**
Until someone throws up in a smelly fair trash can....
That someone would be me... yeah it wasn't the rides, I am so totally used to those kind of rides... I think I just hadn't gotten over being sick.
Anyway when we got off Teh Ring Of Total Flaming Awesomeness THE CREEPY CARNEY DUDE KISSED LISA'S HAND!!! needless to say she ran to get germX from Jesse.
The Risembool Rangers have made Ed Kitty our mascot and have asked everyone who can draw, can sort of draw, or thinks they can draw, to draw an Ed kitty to submit for a collage here is mine!
Yeah more kitty than Ed, but I love him!! *huggles Ed Kitty* Am I the only one who thinks he turned out sorta like young Simba from the Lion King?
Oh and I added (not that you haven't noticed) a music player! I found it and a link from Towairaito's Graphics Epicenter! (http://www.towairaito-graphics.com/) (people who aren't anime obsessed otakus like me, the music isn't ALL Jpop/Jrock... there is some English, can't say there is a lot.. but some)
and why? Oh why? Do videos take so freaking long to upload to blogger???
1 comment:
this is sorta random..... hi!!!! i am a full metal nerd!!! and realyl spazzy too. i just felt like commenting on someones blog and hoped maybe they would check out mine too since no has..... oh well
*pokes u then runs off to her own blog*
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