I think I've said before that Mrs. E. (the secretary at my school) is paying me to make a baby blanket, for her grandbaby. (I was going to explain why she is the most evil woman to walk the earth, but then I realized I was babbling on about something that y'all don't really care about, and even if you did isn't really important.) The only reason I'm making this 'stoopid baby blanket' is because the baby can't help that his grandma is evil and still deserves a hand knit baby balnket.
Its the Bamboozle Baby blanket, I'm having to double strand from two balls of blue and white striped yarn (I'll tell the name of the yarn in another post, but I'm lazy and there are things I should be doing instead of this right now...) The repeats aren't long enough to make actual stripes so I couldn't stand the pooling and so now I'm trying to match up the blue in one ball and the white in the other... its really a pain..

The plan: 10 rows a day (180 stitches per row! eek!) and I'll still be pushing it to have it finished by February...rats! stupid procrastination... gets me every time.. At least its good for sitting in front of the computer watching anime...
I'll do a New Years-ish post tomorrow or the next day, cause right now I have to go get ready to pick up Sara and Kaiti
'Till then, I leave you this.

Raindeer kitteh no want picshur!
(Bella, consider this payback for interfering with yarn pictures...)
Kat rocks! I love her!! And she's not making me say that just because she's standing right next to me...o.0
love, kaikai
Lollololo, thats super cute. =D I love the kitty picture. Good luck with the blanket. Yuck, I hate long knits. Keep your sanity, and knit a wrist warmer for your sake.
That kitty/reindeer picture is hilarious! How'd you get your cat to sit still for it?
I love the cat! My husband dressed up my three cats in santa outfits but they weren't too fussed with them! (Pics on my blog)
Sorry you are having a mare with the blanket - tough times!!
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