Actually I finished them the same night of my last post.. But I wore them to school today. I got a big "OMG I CAN'T BELIVE YOUR WEARING THAT!" from Jesse... yeah.. I know my jaywalkers look stupid with my tennis shoes, but I was late.. and I just grabbed the first socks I found to put on in the car on the way... next time I'll be sure to wear my abby shoes..
Last night I casted on Phineas
Yes! I know that there are a million-and-a-half other things I need to do! To keep with my ignoring it and pretending they don't exist I'm not going to mention what they are.. but.. I'm making them with the yellow yarn I bought when Knit Wits closed. It goes from a dark yeallow, and fades into white. It;s so pretty! The diamonds on it are coming our so well! I also just love the one row stripes the yarn is making! They are knitting up amazingly fat! I knit the toe before I went to bed last night, and now they're almost ready for the heel! Oh lookie I'm a dummie.. I think I have an old picture of the yarn!
You can't fully appreciate the prettyness of the yarn from this picture. I never thought It would knit up quite this pretty! (Sorry peoplez, y'all will have to wait until I get a camera to see!)
In other news.... I finished watching Utawarerumono! The ending was very "huh?". Well, right until the end. Then it all made sense... sorta...kinda...still working it out a bit... But I'll be getting Azumanga Daioh volume 1 tomorow! Wow.. my netflix queue overfloweth... I see something, go to add it, then see all the "you might also like" and be all "Oh! I think I've heard of that one! *add* OOOH and that one! *add*" I think I will never finish.
The tutoring job is going good (can you say "yarn money"??). Lindsey is learning it pretty good. She keeps getting the prombles I give her right. She made an 88 on her test today (I have to keep reminding myself that I am above average, and that, 88s aren't good for me (at all), they are Bs and are good for most people). I bet she messed up a negative here and there, and she also said she noticed she copied some wrong when she transfered it form her work sheet to her answer sheet. I think she got kinda freaked out. She seems to be happy about it, but that her dad is one of those "its terrible unless its an A" types, and she simply isn't an A student. She's a solid B student. I think I'm gonna knit her something for Christmas too, because he told me something (I'm not going to post it here because some people form school read it) that just makes me want to hug her and squeeze her and name her George (what she told me was actually kinda sad)!
:O I love that yarn! It's so beautiful! I WISH I had a pair of jaywalkers. I so need some. -sniffle/sob- ;_; Gah, you must be really good in math. I suck, terribly. B's are like...a HURRAH n math for me. I'm pretty good at algebra. I get like, A+'s on those...and in calculus.
OMG,Hurry up and get a camera it will look soo good in that color! I dont even wanna talk about math. >=(
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