Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Knitting with no pictures!

I think I'm getting a bit bored with the blog. It's starting to feel more like a job than fun. Since this feeling of procrastination even toward the blog seemed to start when the camera "went on vacation" I think that might be why. I think that the blog just isn't as much fun when there are no yarn pictures to gush over. Yeah, I have mamma's horrible old camera, but even if I could get a few good pictures with it, I can't find the connector cable to hook it up to the computer... I'm considering putting the blog on hiatus until Christmas when I get a new camera (or possibly just before Christmas with a all text Christmas eve post?)

Any who, I'm still just considering that. (let me know what y'all think in the comments)

So knitting without pictures!

Last time I said something about the Jaywalkers being in time out... They are still there.. Did I mention that they got throw clear across the room on the way to time out?

I've done three mitered squares for Mrs. E's baby blanket. Why is it whenever I make mitered squares they turn out more.. trapezoid-ish? I just hope when I put them together that they turn out ok... I think I'll do four, sew then together, and wash 'em and see if they fix themselves (or are fixable) if not I'll regroup with the whole thing. I'm making the pattern up as I go along anyway, so it shouldn't be hard.

And again, I haven't touched anything else.

I know that music playing annoys some people, but I'm working on putting up Christmas music.
It's the Elmo and Patsy "Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer" CD.

Also since on some computer monitors the black background is hard to see, I'm testing some new color combos on the other blog. (I don't think I've mentioned before that I started a blog about a year ago, but didn't like the name and gave it up. I still have it, but its not viewable. I'm glad I kept it now, for testing things like this on it comes in handy!)

And one last thing. I got the final (I'm pretty sure its the final) volume of the Utawarerumono anime! *happy dance*


iLuVdEeRyLoU&CiNnAmOnRoLl said...

stay on .... dont leave....

Sisterly Knits said...

Don't you just feel like a colt in a flower garden? No camera to giggle over, and it just depresses you. =( I wish I could share mine, only I can't send it! -cries- ;_; Hope you finish up your gifts, I'm a little behind myself (you saw, right?) Maybe you can try /describing/ the beauty of your yarn. Speaking of yarn, did you ask for any for xmas?

(LOL! The word verification says: "Uglylumply")

Sisterly Knits said...

The mag is
Every knitter knows about knitty! Lol. x) It's so cool!