Monday, October 29, 2007

Only Slightly.... Sick?

Yes, I was (and still have the cough to prove it). That is why there have been no new posts, Mom even told the doctor Friday "You know they're sick when the teenagers goes to bed at 7:30 and doesn't touch the computer for 3 days!" but I have done so much knitting while I have been sick that I actually have a callous on my finger! Not even exaggerating. Its there, I'm just to lazy to take a picture right now. So, because of the "Cold from Hell" this post will be extra long to make up for having done absolutely nothing for days (and it may be days before I post what I am typing now because I'm doing this while working on the 10,000 lbs of make-up work I'm doing).

First up! Knitting!
Well the sock was giving me problems

Even after I saved it from Bella!

but when I got sick and knitting was all I had to do it decided to behave.. (I think it was attention deprived)

And here we go, now that its behaving (and why do I no have any pictures of all of what I have done so far?)

Anime!! *whoot!*

I gots a BLEACH poster! (yes my wall is green!) This is a huge deal for me cause I don't have a chance to buy a lot of stuff....

I have been watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, but disk 3 seems to be "back ordered" on netflix.... (IF YOU HAVE IT HURRY AND FINISH!!) and I found out that even though Utawarerumono disk 3 is doing that weird "save" thing... You can watch it on your computer... so I did and should be getting disk 4 on Wednesday... (yay maybe I can finally finish it! yay for ElluluXHakuro!! ahem...sorry... couldn't help it...) And I have started watching Death Note since it comes on Adult Swim now... I know I always said I didn't want to watch it (the opening creeps me out) but, I give in... it rock.... and Oh! what I would give for a Death Note of my very own!

Family Fest! *gag*

What was my mother thinking? She knows I don't like little kids. She has already even accepted the fact that it is very likely she will never have grandchildren! Why, oh why, did she sign me up to work the space jump at the Church's hopefully-never-to-be-annual Family Fest?

(Blogger got me again I accidentally deleted the picture of the little boy at the Fest and it wont let me reload it... so imagine a cute little boy next to a space jump here is the text that went with it that now goes with that mental image)

This little dude? Yeah, he is one of the many reasons I avoid contact with people under 10 years of age (except of course for "OMG YOUR SO CUTE!!" to a little baby) This little guy had an unhealthy crush on me.... He kept bringing me "gifts". Some pine straw, an empty coke can, a leaf, a shoe.... (no joke) and he didn't want to go in the space jump. He wanted to crawl in, and slide out. Also he enjoyed jumping on the inflated entrance to the space jump and hopping down it. As much as I...dislike kids I couldn't let him jump off and kill himself, so I had to catch him... once he figured that out, he did it again... and again... "bounce, bounce, CATCH ME!" course he didn't say that, he never said anything.... but *shudders* NEVER having kids!


is evil. nuff said.

Ok well I have been sick and all the teachers (except Coach Kelly! luv ya man!) kept saying things like (nastily by the way) "Well if you don't have it today you better have it tomorrow!"
*coughcough* even tough it clearly states in the handbook that all students have the same number of days missed to turn in make up work.*coughcough* (I should wait till Wednesday to turn it in just on principle! I'm just sayin is all....)

But THANK YOU COACH KELLY! He is the only teacher that said something like "I know you have a lot of makeup work, just get it to me sometime this week." and that was with a test too! He got a lot of teacher-of-the-year points for that one! and yes... right now I am avoiding that makeup work...

Also.... Great Expectations....we happen to be reading this...And I happen to speak English....This is like...the best way I can put it.. like, My Fair Lady time period, ghetto British... I am not getting a word of it...I did ok with Pride and Prejudice, but this is just weird... I am a good student, so I have only one question....

Can I rent the movie?!

One last thing. YAY KAITI GOT A NEW COMPUTER!!!! I missed IMing you girl!

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Blogger, or not a Blogger?

On the one hand as things happen to me I think "Oh Yes! So something to blog about!" and think things like, "ooh, and I'll say this, and that, ooh ooh and this phrase! ha ha ha that is sooo funny!"

On the other hand, you have different fingers... (sorry had to) but really. On the other hand, I never take pictures. I met a ranger tonight. She goes to a rival school so we met up at the football game. (yes mother had the "OMGWTFBBQ IT MIGHT BE A 40 YEAR OLD FAT MAN IN A WIFE-BEATER SHIRT WITH BACK HAIR!!!"
but all is well I just LOVE Emily! She is such a dork! Just like me! I wasn't as dorky and spastic as I normally am. I try to tone that down when I first meet people.
*squee* Yay! now I have a real world anime friend who isn't totally controlling over everything and who doesn't consider her opinion absolute and allows friends to have a different opinion. Well that's not true I don't actually know Emily isn't like that but she certainly didn't seem that way. And she has met Vic Mignogna! I am SOOOOOOO jealous of her! She told me she was gonna drag me to Akon next time. She won't have to drag me by any means! OOoooh just thinking of all the anime swag to buy.... not to mention I would simply have to get a cosplay... It just makes me happy thinking about! But enough daydreaming. Point is when I was standing at the gate, I realized, I didn't get a picture. Crudballs. If I had had a sock going I would have done the "show the sock a good time" thing and gotten her picture with it. But, my ribbing was acting completely gay and I had to frog it before I even got to the game. Though, I have taken pictures of my gloves but haven't bothered to upload them.

So what do you think? With my totally picture taking retardedness, can I be called a blogger?

Mom just gave me a sleeping pill, so Its time to go night-night!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts....

Yes well, heh, about that... Over the past 3 days I have gotten maybe three hours of sleep. By the end of today, the third day, I was silly with tiredness. Walking out of school I start randomly singing the "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...." song. Now there are several people who swear they have no idea who I am.

Before I can go to sleep I need to finish this lab report. Obviously my telekenetic powers need some work, because it doesn't seem to be writing itself. It's my own daggum fault. I knew about this lab report weeks ago. Its due tomorrow. I have coversheet, and one paragraph. And today in science when everyone went to the library and worked on it, being the genius I am I decided that no, I did not want to do a lab report. No, I want to make oragami. Maybe if I had had sleep, and was not being supported by coffee, then I might have though "oh crap, I really should work on this." But no, folding paper cranes is much more important, dont cha think?


So all I am doing not is the same thing. Avoiding work. This is why I identify so much with Shikamaru Nara. We are both very smart, just lazy and unmotivated.

So in the spirit of avoiding work, I will tell you all about what has * been happening.

*between those two words I went to help my mother get started on a prayer shall for a cancer patient of hers. The yarn is extremely fuzzy and is giving her fits. She hates me cause it didnt give me problems when I helped. She must have forgotten that I learned to knit with fuzzy yarn similar to that. (I will post pictures)

hmmm... about anime.... Let's see... Well I started watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya It is halarious. Normally I am not a fan of constantly funny slightly perverted shows (ex. Nerima Daikon Brothers, Ninja Nonsense, Excel Saga ect.) but this was great! Also it wasn't stupid funny like those shows I mentioned. With the first episode I started going "WTF?!" but once I realized what was happening, I nearly died! Oh! I just can't wait to get the next disk! But my next Netflix is going to be Full Metal Alchemist vol. 1 I am going to get my mother to watch some anime if it kills me! (and it just might!)

I started a Jaywalker sock. I little while into it I decided it was too big and I needed to rip it out and start tighter, which I havent done yet.

And I am still tired, now I'm hungry, and no closer to finishing my lab report.


Saturday, October 13, 2007

Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok

I just finished the anime Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok. I feel slightly guilty because for a while now I have been saying things like "Gah, how many more discs?!" and such. I read a comment on DNAngel that said that unless you were hell-bent on seeing every episode, that you could skip volume 2. MDLR was not like that. They cleverly made it so that there was just enough critical information in each volume that you had to see them all. I have no idea if it was intentional or not, but it works. (Since this is my first review I inform you I use the Cheetos system, I award each segment any out of 5 Cheetos, then the entire show at the end.)
The story follows Loki, the Norse god of chaos, that has been banished to earth in the form of a young boy by Odin. To be allowed back into the world of the gods, Loki must collect evil. To do so he sets up a detective agency specializing in occult mysteries. This attracts Miss Mayura Daidouji, a beautiful, ditsy, mystery obsessed, high school girl. As the story progresses more gods pop up (mostly sent to assassinate Loki).

Voice ActingI have no complaints about the voice acting actually, except that I wish the older version of Loki's voice sounded at least similar to the younger. Maybe have Shannon Emerick "butch it up" a lot? I don't really know, they just didn't sound like they were even related, but it wasn't bad... just something I noticed.

I loved the art in this anime. MDLR had wonderful scenery in my opinion. I am not an authority on the art in anime, but I didn't see any slip ups. The only complaints that I have are the usage of photographs and video clips of real world things. It hits my OCD just right when I watch an animated show and see clips of real life. At least this seemed to be confined to flowers, and Odin. I did not like, at all, the eye. I have a hard time believing that there was no other way to portray Odin except a giant red real(ish) eye! I just did not like that.

Story Progression
MDLR started off strong and certainly ended that way. That isn't to say that it carried that steam all the way through. In the middle it became more of a "mystery of the week" type of thing. I honestly can't remember when this started but I know that it continued until the very last disc.

I have said that the middle of the series was monotonous to say the least, but the last disc did pick up speed. Tear-jerking isn't the right word, but I think heart-wrenching might be. It reminded me of when Greed died in Full Metal Alchemist: When Ed shows up you think "HA! the final show down! Ed is gonna whoop your but and it will be over! YES! DIE! MUHAHAHA!" but then when Ed succeeds in killing him, as he is dying Greed says something (I can't remember what) and you go "*gasp* wait... no... don't die I LIKE you now! No! No! *sob sob*" At least that is how it was for me. And this series was the same. I had been saying "Please let this end soon!" for some time and then... with that ending... "No! don't be over!! No! It was just getting good!"


The jury is still out on whether I want a sequel. I enjoyed this show a great deal despite its dragging middle. And I think it ended openly enough that there could be. In fact the appearance of Spica for a split second at the very end almost says "HERE LOOKIE A SEQUEL!" if you ask me. I do not know when this series came out but I think that it is old enough that if there was going to be a sequel, that it would have been done already. On the other hand, as much as I enjoyed this show, I don't know if I would have it in me to make it through another, because it would surely drag just as much as the original. If there is another, I will do all I can to see it. If there is not, I'll live.

Bonus Features

These included clean openings and endings, animation gallery, commentary/interviews with the Japanese voice actors, something about Norse mythology, and bloopers. The bloopers were really the only thing I cared about watching on the bonus features. You can't find these on the bonus features menu. They are hidden in that disc pretty good. I would not have found them if I hadn't seen them on youtube and knew to look. (if you want to see them on youtube know that the last set is not there) I got to them by selecting "shuffle title" on my remote, and waiting for it. It will come up.

Over All(I have to remember I am rating the series as a whole here not just the fabulous ending...)


While this anime is by no means "epic" it was enjoyable. Maybe between animes, or if you ever find yourself without anything to watch. Pick this one up. It will give you a laugh, a lesson in Norse mythology, and something to do. If you choose to watch it, stick it out until the end. (and be sure see the bloopers.) I will certainly miss this anime, I have yet to seal it back up in its Netflix envelope, because, that will mean its over. I think I will watch the last few episodes one last time tonight, then ship it back tomorrow. Loki, at my house, you will be missed.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Whole bunch of random crap

Yo! So yesterday I thought I felt better. So when Jesse called and said that we were all gonna go to the fair that night and if I felt up to it, I had to say yes!!


Lisa and I rode the rougher rides alone because Wendy and Jesse are just wusses who suck like that (*glares at Wendy and Jesse*)

(me & Lisa waiting for Chaos to start)

Yeah, Its all fun and games....

*edit* there was gonna be a video of the ring of fire buy blogger is gay and won't let it work**

Until someone throws up in a smelly fair trash can....

That someone would be me... yeah it wasn't the rides, I am so totally used to those kind of rides... I think I just hadn't gotten over being sick.

Anyway when we got off Teh Ring Of Total Flaming Awesomeness THE CREEPY CARNEY DUDE KISSED LISA'S HAND!!! needless to say she ran to get germX from Jesse.

The Risembool Rangers have made Ed Kitty our mascot and have asked everyone who can draw, can sort of draw, or thinks they can draw, to draw an Ed kitty to submit for a collage here is mine!

Yeah more kitty than Ed, but I love him!! *huggles Ed Kitty* Am I the only one who thinks he turned out sorta like young Simba from the Lion King?

Oh and I added (not that you haven't noticed) a music player! I found it and a link from Towairaito's Graphics Epicenter! ( (people who aren't anime obsessed otakus like me, the music isn't ALL Jpop/Jrock... there is some English, can't say there is a lot.. but some)

and why? Oh why? Do videos take so freaking long to upload to blogger???

Friday, October 5, 2007


I am sick as a dog. Even right now I am being yelled at to get my butt back in bed, but there is only so much laying around in bed a girl can do, even sick, and there is nothing on TV either. I passed the Dinah sick test yesterday. I swear that cat is better than any doctor. If you are sick (and I mean sick not "oooh I have a cold") Dinah is sure to come lay on you. Well she won't get off me so I guess I really am sick. It makes me think about that cat in the nursing home somewhere up north, that would only lay on people that were about to die.... she is making me nervous...

Dad had this same thing earlier this week and feels better now, so maybe I can go back to school Monday. I missed my Health and Algebra 9 week's tests but they shouldn't be to hard to make up.

OK well its back to bed for me now.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


*sob sob* *cry cry* my life sucks purple monkey butt….
Finally my mom tries to help with my manga addiction and is helping me with ebay… We find volumes 2-11 that is 10!! Fruits basket volumes with 3.5 hours left, and selling for $24.00 with $10 shipping.. that makes it about a little over $60 less than just buying the volumes. I start bidding. With seconds left on the auction and my bid resting at $32 (still oh so much cheaper) some random person swoops in and raises their bid to $40!! $40!!! $32 to $40!!!
……which was my limit……
so close….and yet….so far….
So now I am amusing myself with videos to keep my depression in check….. here for anyone who cares… is what is keeping me sane…

the mom song.... my mom says all of this.... (its hard to keep up but the lyrics are on the side)

and a little something from tonights episode of Bones (My Little Displaced Yankee its not gory you can watch it)