Thursday, October 18, 2007

I've Got A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts....

Yes well, heh, about that... Over the past 3 days I have gotten maybe three hours of sleep. By the end of today, the third day, I was silly with tiredness. Walking out of school I start randomly singing the "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts...." song. Now there are several people who swear they have no idea who I am.

Before I can go to sleep I need to finish this lab report. Obviously my telekenetic powers need some work, because it doesn't seem to be writing itself. It's my own daggum fault. I knew about this lab report weeks ago. Its due tomorrow. I have coversheet, and one paragraph. And today in science when everyone went to the library and worked on it, being the genius I am I decided that no, I did not want to do a lab report. No, I want to make oragami. Maybe if I had had sleep, and was not being supported by coffee, then I might have though "oh crap, I really should work on this." But no, folding paper cranes is much more important, dont cha think?


So all I am doing not is the same thing. Avoiding work. This is why I identify so much with Shikamaru Nara. We are both very smart, just lazy and unmotivated.

So in the spirit of avoiding work, I will tell you all about what has * been happening.

*between those two words I went to help my mother get started on a prayer shall for a cancer patient of hers. The yarn is extremely fuzzy and is giving her fits. She hates me cause it didnt give me problems when I helped. She must have forgotten that I learned to knit with fuzzy yarn similar to that. (I will post pictures)

hmmm... about anime.... Let's see... Well I started watching The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya It is halarious. Normally I am not a fan of constantly funny slightly perverted shows (ex. Nerima Daikon Brothers, Ninja Nonsense, Excel Saga ect.) but this was great! Also it wasn't stupid funny like those shows I mentioned. With the first episode I started going "WTF?!" but once I realized what was happening, I nearly died! Oh! I just can't wait to get the next disk! But my next Netflix is going to be Full Metal Alchemist vol. 1 I am going to get my mother to watch some anime if it kills me! (and it just might!)

I started a Jaywalker sock. I little while into it I decided it was too big and I needed to rip it out and start tighter, which I havent done yet.

And I am still tired, now I'm hungry, and no closer to finishing my lab report.


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